
Joaquin Phoenix on David Leterman

If you didn't see the Joaquin Phoenix interview on David Letterman


Shopping for a stroller

Noah coloring

Noah was more interested in eating the crayons


Shopping is sleepy work

We just sold the Cougar and had to meet the people North of Charlotte
in Concord. While we're up here we decided to stop by the outlet
mall. Mom is trying a few things on in the dressing room.


Welcome to my crib

We had to lower Noah's crib this weekend. He's getting bigger as you
would expect, but since he started standing he seems to have grown
really fast. Mikenzie packed up three shopping bags of his cloths for
storage the other day. Amazing how fast he is going through things so
I guess we will be shopping again soon.


It's going to be a sunny day in Charlotte


Mommy & Baby

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Cold in Charlotte this morning

We got a dusting of snow this morning and it's really cold, not New York or Iowa cold. The girls were nor even interested in being outside. Schools were cancelled, but daycare was open. They only had two teachers so they were getting ready to stop taking kids. We will warm up in a few days and it will be sixty plus by this weekend. Strange winter in Charlotte this year.


My favorite Super Bowl commercial