
Thanksgiving Day Football

We will be accepting calls from college scouts.


Lovely Windsor Canada


Halloween parties

We had two parties this year. One at school on Friday and another today for the neighborhood. There has been an explosion of kids since last year. Sadly it started to rain during the event which put a damper on the number of trick-or-treaters. So that means more candy for us.


Repair update

The car will be reassembled today and off to paint. Kind of hard to
believe that it will be done by Thursday. The welding is already done.
The corner and front inner bumpers had to be replaced.



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Happy Birthday Emma!!!

We got to attend Emma's third birthday a couple weekends ago. A lot of our neighbors were there. It was a whirlwind two hours at Space Cadets and all the kids had a great time. You can see Noah enjoyed the slide when he got to ride down with Mom.

Boys weekend at the beach

Here is our boys trip to Kure Beach. Noah and I gave mom a break and headed out to this beach in North Carolina. Our friends Mickey & Diana have a great little house there. Noah got to go out to the beach and get in the water for the first time. You can probably tell he's a little bugged by the sand and waves, but eventually got use to it. We were only there for one night, but hope to go back soon and take Miki with us.


Auto Blues

The good news is nobody was seriously hurt including the other driver. The bad news is it front left tire did get pushed back about 3-4 inches. The windshield and airbags need to be replaced as well. We are at $7,000 and counting. The shop will know more once they open up the front bumper. In all it is about a three week repair job and will hopefully be like new. The issue we are having now is the insurance company, like most, wants to use aftermarket parts when available. For this repair that would be the windshield and headlight assembly. I hope to be able to follow-up with repaired photos in a few weeks.

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Sunday afternoon kicking the balls


Haircut #2


Too cool

First sushi


Found the toy box

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Piano Man

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On the farm in Ohio

Went out with Daryl today to spray the tomato field near the house. It is a complicated process to do without running over any of the tomato plants.

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Happy Fourth of July

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First Haircut

Click here for other videos


Noah's first to come

Noah had a great first haircut on Saturday, just a little bit off the sides and back. He handled it really well and was interested in everything going on around him.

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Playing is hard work

Reading books after a nap




Red Robin

We took Noah to dinner to make up for the shots at the doctor and he got to meet the Red Robin!  He kept shaking his hand and petting him while other babies cried and were afraid.

Boo boo

Noah had his finger pricked at the doctor today and was pouting


Putting away the tootsie rolls



Noah can't walk by a book without wanting it read to him

Molly is not thrilled


New car

He can't decide whether to ride his new truck or look at the books

Reading a book


Noah in Molly's bed

He likes eating crackers in the dog bed