
Noah back home
Here are a couple more pictures from the hospital with our friend Tracy. We came home on Wednesday last week and Noah did great on his first car ride. The first few nights were difficult especially for Mikenzie, but we're now starting to get to know each other. Aunt Megan (Miki's sister) came down on Friday to help us out. It really has been great having here here and we appreciate the help, but she'll be leaving in a couple days and we'll be on our own again. I guess we will figure things out as we go along.


Born: June 14, 2008 @ 4:10 PM
Weight: 7 lbs. 7 ozs.
Length: 21 in.

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Baby firsts
This is baby during his foot printing and when he got to meet mom for the first time.

Baby's first day
Here is baby when they first brought him to me in the recovery room. Miki came out out about 40 minutes later. She had a tough time, but did great. About 16 hours of labor without an epidural, but in the end she had to have a C-Section. He was in the right position with his head, but his shoulders were stuck. He has a little bit of a puffy eye and he cut his head from the labor, but they're already looking better. So far he only cries when he has been fussed with too much. They foot printed him and checked him out and then gave him to Miki for the first time. Finally he got to rest in the Baby ward. Not to many births yesterday, he only had one friend in there with him, but there are more coming today. When we got here early Saturday morning there were two dozen babies in the ward. Overall mom and baby are doing great and we are all very happy.

Mom in her room
This is when we first got to the hospital, she was already worn out, but still had a long way to go.

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Our neighbor Jim doing his lobster impersonation
Actually he had an accident while seperating his dogs that got into a little fight. With a couple of broken fingers on one hand and bites on the other, well lets just say that Jill will be opening his ketchup bottles for him, for a while.

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Molly & Sammy's Birthday
They had a number of their freinds over. Everybody had cake except for the people.

More party photos...


What's Up Doc?
Our new tenant in the backyard lounging in the vegetable garden.

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