
By request....
Miki is getting there, anytime now, but we're still targeting June 9th. She would really prefer no later than that date. Things are going really well and we're only one weekend from having everything ready.

Working in the garden

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Baby Shower...good time...strange turns...
We had a great time at the baby shower and it might have broken the record for baby showers. We were there for over six hours. I think it stopped being a shower at about 10:30. I'll start from the beginning. There were a lot of friends that were able to join us so that was great. Jim and Jill's home was a great place to have the event and along with Renee and Brent it went off flawlessly. The food was great and I only got a couple of shots of the desert table which might give you an idea. We really liked the baby booty cupcakes (nice touch). There was lots to drink including Jeff's signature margaritas. The gift opening was fun and our friends were very generous, but I was a bit mystified by some of the items, I guess I'll learn.

And at about 10:30 the party became the Parade of Shoes. The girls all got a tour of Jill's extensive shoe closet and many of the guys couldn't resist taking a look too. Many were thankful their wives never got the shoe bug. Finally, the shower turned into a disco party when the girls put on the sounds of the 70's and started to dance on the furniture. Most of the guys took the opportunity to head home and relieve baby sitters while the ladies danced the night away (there were injuries). A great time in all and many thanks to Jim, Jill, Renee, Brent and all our friends.


Countdown Timer for June 9th
Here is a useful countdown timer. Origianally created in anticipation of Apple Computer's World Wide Developer Conference and the pending announcement of the new Apple iPhone on June 9th. I thought we could use it for an equally exciting event. Note, all times are Pacific.


Shower invite
This is the invite for the baby shower our friends the Heddleson's & Mattson's are having for us on Saturday. Love the artwork. The girls from work had one for Mikenzie a few weeks ago and this is the neighborhood one. We really have great friends to go to all the trouble and to host it in their home.

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