
The easter bunny in Target


Stephen King is writing a new book...
...evil dogs terrorize a small Charlotte community. And yes the girls have raincoats.


Friends in Hoboken
Got to visit with our friends Jeff, Mitzi and their two year old daughter in Hoboken over the weekend. Jeff & Mitzi are doing great. The old condo building looks better than ever except the fourth floor is a now a stroller garage. Five babies have been born on the floor since 2005.


Buzz Cut
Girls cut their haircut this weeek. Molly is about 2 lbs. lighter.


Mikenzie is doing great.
The baby is starting to kick, Mikenzie has been feeling him for a couple weeks. We've been shopping for the crib and typical baby gear, getting close to making some choices. I guess we'll get started on the baby's room in the next couple weeks. Here are some photos, things are changing quick.

And one week later...

Girls and friend
Great day at Doggie Social, perfect weather.