
Our New Nephew
Very happy to present the newest member of the family.

Kellogg fight song

Kellogg reunion in Pittsburgh
Great time in Pittsburgh with Mikenizie's crew. Went to a number of events including a dinner and a Pittsburgh Pirates game at PNC Park. Beth's house was great and where a number of the photos were taken.


Weekend in Florida
Spent a nice weekend visiting the parents in Florida. The weather was perfect and as usual the visit was too short. One plus is that Mom said she would come up and watch the girls for us while we're in Europe next month.


Back Yard
People have been asking about the back yard. We finally have most of the furniture and all the construction is completed. Looking forward to using the fireplace this winter. The roses have done very well for their first years growth and most of the plants should be well established by next year.

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Doggie Social 09/02
Molly and her friends.


Derya & Martha in NYC
Due in December, everyone is excited. If you know of any available apartments in New York let us know.


Miki & Deniz
Just a photo we like / I like.

Back Yard In Bloom
The flowers are really starting to look good, but I'm not showing any photos of the ones that aren't. Next year everything should be really filling in.

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Heydon Hall Doggie Social
Another succesful doggie social. Molly & Sammy went crazy again as soon as we metioned it. Their usual friends were there, Charlie, LuLu and Jenny. Maddie was missing.